Newt Facts
- Adult newts lay eggs on the leaves of water plants
- When they are fully-grown, newts are 3 inches long.
- Newts are a type of salamander.
Frog Facts
- When bred in captivity, frogs can live to be 4-15 years old.
- After shedding their skin, frogs eat it!
- Frogs have many different shaped pupils, depending on their breed.
Toad Facts
- Toads have shorter legs than frogs, for walking, not hopping.
- The Horned Toad is not really a toad at all, it's a lizard.
- In Chinese mythology, they say the "toad" in the moon, not a man. They say that eclipses are caused when the toad tries to swallow the moon!
How are you getting on with your winter project?
Well, here is some information to help!
It is very important how your project looks!
Here are some good ideas...
- Poster- if you made a poster for your project you could stick it up
- Quiz- a quiz at the end of your project would be super fun!
- Mini magazine- you could make a magazine all about winter animals!
- True or false test- you could put a winter animals fact test at the end
- Banner- if you wanted, you could make a banner saying WINTER ANIMALS
- Arctic foxes dig burrows in the sides of cliffs. They also burrow in the snow for protection.
- Robin eggs are blue.
- The average lifespan of a harpseal is about 20 years.
- .In 1960, robins became national bird of the UK.
- Baby arctic foxes are called kits.
- Harp seals are also known as saddleback seals.
- Adult harp seals weigh about 400kg.
You can draw, paint, print out or photocopy anything you find or think of, and stick it onto your project.