Friday 26 August 2011

Fact file: Rabbits

Size: A rabbit is around 16 inches tall.

Diet: Wild rabbits eat hay, fruit, vegetables and drink water. Pet rabbits drink water, too, and eat grass hay and vegetables, a small amount of pellets ( rabbit food ) and occasionally some fruit as a treat!

Habitat: Wild rabbits live in woods, meadows, forests, grasslands, wetlands and deserts. The does ( female rabbits ) are usually the ones who dig burrows. A group of burrows is called a warren.

                                 Some Rabbit Facts
  • Once, a doe rabbit gave birth to 24 baby rabbits in one litter.
  • There are over 100 different breeds of  rabbit.
  • Rabbits pull furr from their chests, to line their nests for their babies.


Thursday 25 August 2011



This is a blog-magazine all about horses and ponies!                         
It's filled with facts, games and fun ideas!

                                                 6 Fast Facts on Horses
You can tell how old a horse is by how many teeth it has.
Wild horses feel safer in herds.
Shire horses are the tallest breed of horse.
A marking on a horse's forehead is called a star, even if it's not shaped like one.
The smallest breed of horse is the Fallabella.
Horses and ponies show how they are feeling with their eyes, ears and nostrils.

                                      Sweet Treats for Horses
Here are some yummy treats you could give to a horse or pony to show how much you love them!

Carrots- Carrots make a delicious snack for horses! But make sure to cut the top off!
Apples- Be sure to cut the apple up into pieces before giving it to a lucky horse or pony.
Sugar Lumps (or sugar cubes )-They are very sweet, and horses love them! Don't give them too many, though.
Mints- Horses love mints so much that if a horse sees you feeding another horse one, he will probably feel jealous and start pestering you for a mint too, so make sure you have a whole packet!

                        Some Great Names for Horses
                     Got a horse but don't know what to name it? You might get some ideas here!

Flowers, Trees and Plants- Is there a tree name you really like or perhaps a favourite flower? Maybe you could name your horse after one of those!   IDEAS:  Lilly   Chestnut  Maple  Blackberry  Fuchsia 

Birds and Animals- Lots of birds are pretty and graceful, while animals can be strong, swift and wild! Perhaps a bird or animal's name is the right name for your horse? IDEAS:  Swan  Tiger  Swallow  Bear

Precious or Semi-precious Stones- There are lots of precious and semi-precious stones you could name your horse after! IDEAS:  Amethyst  Crystal  Rose Quartz  Ruby  Emerald

            Hope you have a great time thinking of names for your horse!

                                How to Make Your Own Horse Rosette!

  1. Cut out five pieces of fabric in heart-shapes. The fabric should be whatever colour you want your rosette to be.
  2. Arrange them in a flower shape and glue them this way.
  3. Stick two ribbons ( the same colour as the fabric hearts ) in the centre of the flower so that they dangle down.
  4. Draw a picture of a pony or horse  on a small, circular piece of paper and stick it in the middle of the rosette, on top of the ribbons

TIP: If you want to tie your rosette onto something, you could glue a ribbon to the back.




Wednesday 24 August 2011

Tadpole's Life Club

                                       About Toads
Lots of people wonder what the difference is between frogs and toads. Actually, toads and frogs are practically the same thing, except toads have rougher skin and tend to have warts!

                                                         Here are some more facts...

  • Toads are anphibians ( that means they can go in water and on land ).
  • Toads have no teeth so they can't chew.They swallow their prey whole.
  • The horned toad shoots blood from its eyes when threatened.
  • Toads use their eyeballs to help swallow their food.
  • Although most toads are small, a toad found in Australia was as big as a football and weighed two pounds!
  • A group of toads is known as a knot.
  • Just about everybody knows that toads eat flies, but there are flies in the Arazona Desert who eat toads!

                                 How to Decorate Your Buns Frog Style!

                        Here is how to decorate your cakes and buns so that they look just like frogs!

  1. Ice your cake in green icing ( you can make it green by adding a drop of green food dye to the mix ).
  2. Use black icing, from an icing pen to draw the nose and mouth.
  3. Stick on two liqurice alsorts for eyes.
Hope you have a great time eating your frog buns!