Thursday, 7 April 2011

The Tadpoles' Life Club- TLC

Hello, everyone!
This is a new club I've made and it's all about tadpoles and frogs!
It's a monthly feature, starting in August, and anyone can see it- you just have to read my blog every month! ;-)
Next time we will be focusing on toads.
Did you know that a toad will blow itself up if it is threatened by a grass snake so that the snake can't eat it?
Hopefully I will have gathered a lot more facts before next time!

Love From Paws Club Leader
           The Tadpoles

Swans: Facts

Don't you love swans?
They're so graceful!
When I go on the bus to school, I sometimes see these two swans beside their nest by a river!
Did you know that swans mate for life?
That means they stay with the same mate for ever!
Here are  some other interesting facts on swans:
  • Swans belong to a family called Anatidae.
  • They can live up to 35 years.
  • Baby swans are called cygnets.
  • The biggest type of swan is called the trumpeter swan.
                              Paws Club Leader

Wednesday, 6 April 2011

Bird Nests

Yay, it's Springtime!
That means there'll be lots of nests around!
                                                      Maybe you and a friend could have a
                                                                    NEST COUNTING 
See, when you are in a car, how many nests you can spot all the way to your destination.

The one to spot the most nests wins!

From Paws Club

Spring Lamb Watching

Hey, everybody!
Now that it's Spring, all the baby lambs are out in the fields!
Why don't you and a friend go lamb watching?
Maybe there are some fields near your house?
You might try there first.
And if you don't find any lambs; don't worry!
There are plenty of lambs around!
Maybe you could even make up your own names for them!

Best of luck lamb watching, Paws Club Leader. 

Tuesday, 5 April 2011


If you get your pet a new collar, always make sure that it fits him/her.

Paws Club: The World Is In Our Paws!

Hi, there!
I created this blog to tell everybody about animals and some of the amazing things they can do.
We should treat animals fairly and respect them for who they are.
There are also great facts, owner tips and ways you can help.
Hope you enjoy reading my blog!

Love, Paws Club Leader.
(and my cats!)